Empowering Minds, Enriching Lives. Building A Skilled and Knowledgeable Society.

The Bada Kadam Foundation aims to advance vocational and technical education, address social issues, and facilitate skill development in various sectors through collaboration with various academic and training partners

Major Activities by The Bada Kadam Foundation

Focus on Vocational & Technical Education

The Foundation is dedicated to advancing education in sectors that require practical skills and hands-on experience. This focus on vocational and technical education sets it apart from other organizations that prioritize theoretical learning.

Skill Development Plan and Inventory

The Foundation is committed to identifying skill development needs and maintaining a skill inventory to facilitate choice for individuals. This demonstrates a proactive approach toward meeting the demands of the industry and addressing skill gaps.

Standardization and Accreditation

The Foundation seeks to standardize the affiliation and accreditation process for the Sector of weaker section. This helps to ensure that the standards are consistent and acceptable, which can boost confidence in the quality of education provided.

Social Awareness Programs

The Foundation runs and conducts social awareness programs to address important social issues such as drug abuse, domestic violence, and adulteration in food. This demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and making a positive impact on the community.

Job Placement Support

The Foundation provides job seekers with the necessary support and resources to find employment, addressing the unemployment issue of the society. This helps to ensure that the education and training provided lead to actual job opportunities, making it a valuable investment for students and trainees.

Collaboration with Various Stakeholders

The Foundation coordinates the participation of social partners, employers in the private sector, training providers, professional societies, and NGOs/civil society groups in the process of skill development of the Sector. This demonstrates a collaborative approach towards achieving its objectives, which can help to generate support and goodwill from various stakeholders.

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Whom The Bada Kadam Foundation is For?

The foundation aims to support the development and advancement of education, including practical training for students, trainees, and staff. It also seeks to address important social issues such as unemployment, drug abuse, and domestic violence and aims to facilitate the establishment of a robust certification and accreditation process to ensure consistency and acceptability of standards. Additionally, the foundation aims to collaborate with various stakeholders such as employers, training providers, professional societies, and NGOs/civil society groups to coordinate participation in the process of skill development.

The Bada Kadam Foundation can be helpful to a variety of people in our society, including:

  1. Students: The foundation aims to promote the advancement of education, including vocational and technical education. It aims to develop the talents and excellence of students through appropriate experience and practical training.

  2. Job Seekers: The foundation aims to provide job seekers with the necessary support and resources to find employment and work towards the unemployment issue of society.

  3. Trainers: The foundation aims to plan and execute “Training of Trainers” for sector skill development to improve the quality of training provided.

  4. Weaker sections of society: The foundation aims to facilitate standardizing the affiliation and accreditation process for the sector of weaker sections of society.

  5. Society as a whole: The foundation aims to run/conduct/facilitate social awareness programs to address important social issues such as drug abuse, domestic violence, and adulteration in food. It also aims to organize and participate in seminars, conferences, and fairs related to the objects of the Society and to compile, collate, edit, and publish technical reports and papers related to the objects of the Society, which can benefit society as a whole.


Why The Bada Kadam Foundation Only?

One should choose the Bada Kadam foundation for the reasons below:-

  1. The Foundation is dedicated to promoting education and vocational skills development, which could benefit individuals seeking to improve their skills and job prospects.

  2. The Foundation aims to facilitate the standardization and accreditation of skill development programs, which could enhance the quality and recognition of such programs.

  3. The Foundation seeks to address important social issues such as drug abuse, domestic violence, and adulteration in food, which demonstrates a commitment to social welfare.

  4. The Foundation aims to collaborate with various stakeholders, including training providers, professional societies, and NGOs/civil society groups, which could increase the breadth and diversity of its programs and initiatives.

  5. The Foundation provides opportunities for individuals to participate in seminars, conferences, fairs, and competitions related to its objectives, which could facilitate knowledge sharing and networking.

  6. The Foundation is committed to promoting the education of youth, the pursuit of science, and the general diffusion of social, moral, and secular knowledge, which could align with the values and aspirations of individuals seeking to contribute to social welfare.

Overall, choosing the Bada Kadam Foundation depends on individual values, objectives, and aspirations. Individuals seeking to promote education, vocational skills development, and social welfare can find alignment with the Foundation’s objectives and consider it as an opportunity for contributing to these causes.


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